• Offshore wind grows up

    Offshore wind is scaling up: last week Danish state-backed energy business Dong Energy made a final investment decision for what is set to be the biggest offshore wind farm in the world

  • Indonesia’s new oil & gas law

    The preferential treatment offered to Pertamina under Indonesia’s oil & gas law may scare off foreign investment at a time when the country needs it most

  • Data Analysis: GCC refinancings surge

    Refinancing of energy and infrastructure projects in the GCC countries totalled $10.7 billion in 2015, the highest yet since 2010, driven in particular by deals in the United Arab Emirates which accounted for over $6.2 billion of the total, according to IJGlobal data

  • Uruguay ramps up PPP

    Uruguay is set to see an uptick in PPP procurement in 2016, as Vázquez's government rolls out the initial projects of a $12 billion infrastructure programme

  • Data Analysis: Australia's debt market

    Australia’s debt market remains largely dominated by the big four Australian banks – Australia & New Zealand Banking Group, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, National Australia Bank and Westpac – although there are some signs that international lenders, traditionally content to club with Australian banks, are starting to rival their domestic counterparts on deals

  • Behind the meter: securitisation and US distributed energy

    Amid pessimism about access to finance for energy infrastructure, deal flow in one sector seems to be accelerating

  • TransGrid, Australia

    The A$10.3 billion financing for the acquisition of the 99-year lease of New South Wales electricity distribution company TransGrid tested the willingness of the offshore bank market to finance large infrastructure assets in Australia and international banks responded with a clear positive signal

  • A project bond refinancing boom, when rates rise

    Europe should continue to see a high number of projects refinanced in 2016, even if the recent interest rate rise in the US is followed by similar moves in the UK and continental Europe

  • UK's new nuclear moves forward - but slowly

    This week sponsors of two of the UK’s most advanced new nuclear projects, the £24.5 billion ($34.7 billion) 3.2GW Hinkley Point C and the £14 billion, 2.7GW Wylfa Newydd project both announced new stages in their development

  • LT analysis: Bond rush

    IJGlobal's full-year league table data shows the total value for energy and infrastructure bond financings in 2015 reached record levels, with the majority of issuance for North American assets

  • LT analysis: Flight to maturity

    IJGlobal's full-year league tables show that the total value for all transactions reaching financial close globally during 2015 was only fractionally up on the previous year. However, investment shifted decisively to more mature markets

  • Azura-Edo gas-fired, Nigeria

    After years of development, Nigeria’s first greenfield independent power producer (IPP) project reached financial close at the end of 2015

  • Data Analysis: US renewables financing surges

    The total value and volume of closed transactions for renewables projects in North America hit record levels this year, with $47.5 billion closed across 153 deals in 2015 (as of 15 December), according to IJGlobal data

  • Track 3B, Malaysia

    Malaysia’s 3B has had an eventful history to say the least, although the financing represents a successful outcome for sponsors Tenaga Nasional and Mitsui

  • Waha gas pipelines, US

    Carso Energy, Energy Transfer Partners and MasTec reached financial close on a $1.38 billion financing for their Waha-Presidio and Waha-San Elizario pipelines on 17 November

  • Data Analysis: European refinancing in 2015

    IJGlobal data shows that the level of refinancings in the first three quarters of 2015 already reached a volume unprecedented in the last 10 years, for European infrastructure project finance

  • Data Analysis: Asia-Pacific investment volumes

    Asia Pacific's infrastructure deficit is vast but the number of bankable deals is still small, leading to patchy deal flow and wild fluctuations in investment volumes when comparing one year to the next

  • Abengoa crisis puts LatAm on alert

    Creditors and partners working alongside Abengoa, among them various Latin American state-held entities, are feeling the pressure following news that the Spanish renewables developer filed for insolvency protection last week

  • PPP in the GCC

    Several Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries are investigating ways of utilising more private finance to fund future infrastructure projects, as a reaction to depressed oil prices