• The changing equity mix of offshore wind

    The equity mix at pre-construction phase for project financed European offshore wind developments has changed vastly since the sector was born more than 15 years ago

  • Edra Global Energy acquisition, Malaysia

    1MDB’s sale of its power unit, Edra Global Energy, to a Chinese developer allows the fund some breathing space to pay off its debt, although ultimately throws up more questions than it answers

  • Turkey to change PPP rules

    Turkey’s Ministry of Health (MoH) plans to reduce the termination guarantees for financiers of its next generation of hospital PPPs as part of a raft of proposed amendments to concession structures, IJGlobal can exclusively report

  • Canadian infrastructure turns to public bonds

    Canada has been able to tap different sources of funding as its infrastructure needs have developed in recent years. The emergence of large transport projects in the country's infrastructure pipeline has led to a rise in publically-listed bond financings, IJGlobal data reveals

  • Galloper offshore wind, UK

    At the start of 2015, the £1.54 billion ($2.35 billion), 336MW Galloper offshore wind project had officially been shelved by principal sponsor RWE. Less than a year later, financing was complete

  • Initial impacts of Power Africa

    The US government's Power Africa initiative has had limited impact to date, but has significant ambitions over the next few years

  • The return of international lenders to MENA power?

    International lenders have provided less proportionally than local banks to Middle East and North African power and water deals during the last two years, IJGlobal data shows

  • Ijmuiden Sea Lock PPP, the Netherlands

    The approximately €500 million ($537 million) Ijmuiden Sea Lock is the first major project in the Dutch locks PPP programme to reach financial close. The deal has tested the competitive European infrastructure debt market’s appetite for high leverage and low pricing

  • Data Analysis: Brazil’s time to shine

    Despite market volatility, investors still appear convinced by the economics of wind and solar in Brazil

  • Russia: power plays

    This month's Russia Calling forum in Moscow, hosted by Russian state majority-owned bank VTB Capital, drew in international bankers, developers and media to discuss the state of Russia's infrastructure sector

  • Data Analysis: Limay and the Philippines’ power sector

    The Philippines’ power sector remains almost exclusively the preserve of local banks, although one deal working its way through syndication may change that

  • Investors drawn to Europe’s emergent towercos

    Independent telecoms tower operators across Europe are looking to grow market share. Infrastructure funds are increasingly buying into the strong, low risk returns these tower companies offer.

  • Dubai’s PPP law signals infrastructure intent

    Dubai passed its new public private partnership (PPP) law last month, signalling the emirate’s intent to use more private capital to develop future infrastructure projects

  • Mexico City new international airport (NAICM)

    The $3 billion revolving credit facility closed by the Mexican Federal Government this week is a crucial step toward financing what is slated to be one of the world’s busiest airports

  • The competition for Indonesia’s Java 7

    PLN’s decision to tender out the 2x1000MW Java 7 independent power producer project without a government guarantee raised a few eyebrows, but this doesn’t seem to have deterred many bidders

  • Chop and change for UK energy policy

    The UK government has made several amendments to energy market regulation in the five months since the country's last general election. The long-term impacts of the changes may be hard to gauge but investor confidence has certainly been dented.

  • Australia's newest infrastructure PM

    Malcolm Turnbull’s ascension to the premiership is music to the ears of urban transport enthusiasts, even if Canberra's influence is blunted in other sectors

  • Solar securitisations and tax equity structures in the US

    Securitisations provide one of the cheapest sources of capital for residential solar assets. Since November 2013, five solar securitisations have closed. Pricing on these securitisations may reflect the varying risk of the tax equity structures involved

  • Zywiec Hospital, Poland

    Increased revenue certainty from recent regulatory changes has been pivotal for Interhealth Canada signing on Poland’s Z210 million ($56 million) pilot hospital PPP