• Investment in India gathers momentum

    IJInvestor data shows that international funds and institutional investors are already active in the market. There are 36 active funds focusing solely on India with a target of investing over $90 billion of capital

  • Nachtigal hydropower, Cameroon

    What was originally planned as a captive power project for a Rio Tinto smelter will become the largest hydropower IPP in Africa once constructed

  • Infra funds – global fundraising

    While 2018 failed to log a mega fund final close – something infra hacks love to hang a story round – this last year managed to break fundraising records across a slew of smaller vehicles, the vast majority of which are (not surprisingly) focused on equity

  • Charged with uncertainty - EV charging infra

    Various public and private led funds are being raised in early 2019 targeting electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Private investors are battling with oil majors and energy utilities for dominance of this nascent market, as appropriate financing structures remain up for debate

  • Renewables across the Sahara

    North Africa has the weather conditions and large tracts of open land needed to support significant solar and wind power development

  • RGreen Invest’s InfraGreen III fund

    French alternative energy fund manager RGreen Invest is approaching a February final close on its latest mezzanine debt and equity fund – InfraGreen III – above target and approaching an extended hard cap. It is the fourth fund vehicle under management for RGreen Invest, which partners with developers at the ready-to-build stage

  • Infrastructure – in a league (table) of its own

    When it comes to analysing activity across the global infrastructure finance landscape, it’s always reassuring to confirm the accuracy – often not the case – of received industry wisdom, while also identifying trends that are less obvious to those who perhaps fail to see the trees for the woods

  • Infra fund dilemma – blame the pig or the feeder?

    In the same week that Luxembourg announced plans to legalise cannabis (and make all public transport free), folk have been wondering whether many infrastructure fund managers will domicile in the small European duchy to enjoy the benefits of a liberal system while they play fast and loose with targets and hard caps

  • Canada's energy diversification in 2019

    Canada updated its coal-fired electricity regulations in December (2018), introducing much stricter measures. The country is now targeting 90% of electricity from non-emitting sources by 2030, and decreasing carbon pollution from the electricity sector by 12.8 million tonnes.

  • Michigan’s I-75 road, US

    Michigan closed on its second P3 deal in November 2018, and the project had a financing structure unique to the US market – private activity bonds. It had an accelerated timeline, going from preferred bidder to financial close in just under three months with four local civil contractors on board having achieved investment grade ratings from Moody’s and Kroll

  • Breaking a Radius and slashing bonuses

    Cancellation of the auction for Ørsted's Danish power distribution and street lighting businesses – Radius and City Light – has become a bone of contention for the infrastructure market as bidders are sent packing

  • Privatisations remain airborne in Brazil

    The drive to bring private capital into Brazil's state-dominated airport sector has been constant in recent years, despite political volatility that has slowed down the privatisation process

  • IL&FS: project finance SPVs risk default

    The bankruptcy of Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services is continuing to send ripple effects in the Indian market. In the latest twist, ring-fenced project finance SPVs are threatening to terminate debt repayments

  • The great Gatwick rumour mill

    Few things set the rumour mill droning on more than the sale of an airport. Factor into that the world’s biggest infrastructure fund, Europe’s busiest passenger hub, and eye-watering multiples… and you can barely hear yourself think

  • The French broadband connection

    Local authorities are plugging the gaps in France's high-speed broadband coverage left behind by traditional telecoms operators by awarding concession contracts under a PPP model

  • A bright future for Victorian solar

    Research by ANU’s Energy Change Institute earlier this year forecast that Australia would easily surpass the federal government’s 2020 renewable energy target of 33GW of new capacity

  • Offsetting the offtaker – corporate PPAs in South Africa

    eThala looks to prove a point with the 10MW The Harding biomass-to-energy plant – the validity of offtaking power in South Africa via a corporate power purchase agreement

  • New fundtiers: novel UK investment opportunities

    The last few weeks has seen the launch of several new types of speciality infrastructure fund for alternative assets in the UK. Each specialises in a niche proposition though all look to support the energy transition

  • It’s beginning to look a lot like infra…

    Welcome to the final missive for the year written in the teetering shadow of a mountain of IJGlobal award submissions in advance of signing off for 2018 and wishing you all a merry Christmas and the very best for 2019