• Mitigating risk shock in European wind

    Investors and utilities in the European wind sector face increasing headwinds from political, regulatory, social and lifecycle risks as support schemes end, according to William Cox and Mathew Garver of M&E Global, Inc.

  • Dumat al Jandal, Saudi Arabia

    EDF and Masdar have reached financial close on what will be Saudi Arabia’s first ever utility-scale wind farm - part of the country's first round of renewables procurement

  • Australian energy-from-waste: burning brighter

    Australia has seen an explosion in wind, solar and now energy storage development, while EfW has been a slow burner. But with waste exports less viable and landfill less tolerated, EfW could catch light

  • Primorskaya onshore wind farm, Ukraine

    The head of Ukraine’s state gas company Naftogaz expects deliveries from Russia to stop on 1 January 2020. Domestic production accounts for 54% of total consumption while the remainder of natural gas supply was met through imports from Europe and Russia

  • PPP stakes – buyer beware…

    The touch paper has this week been lit on a little-discussed financing wheeze that involves the sale of “economic interest stakes” on under-construction PPP projects – creating a bomb that (in worst case scenarios) will blow up in investors’ faces

  • International capital eyes Saudi infra plans

    Saudi Arabia, like many of its neighbouring countries in the Gulf region, is trying to reduce its economy’s reliance on oil exports

  • Brazil's dynamic renewables market

    Developers are having to turn to new revenue and financing sources to meet Brazil’s ambitious non-hydro renewables generation targets

  • Climate Investor One, final close

    Climate Investor One, the Netherlands-based vehicle(s) investing throughout the life of renewable opportunities in emerging markets, unquestionably has exemplary ESG credentials

  • Defining the energy transition

    Investors see growing opportunities in the energy transition, though may have differing ideas of what that term actually means

  • Yunlin offshore wind, Taiwan

    The participation of the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs' Deputy Minister at a press conference tomorrow (2 July 2019) about the 640MW Yunlin offshore wind farm signals how strategic the government considers this project and its robust pipeline of offshore wind projects.

  • Canada – victim of its own success

    It’s rarely wise to hold up a market as a bellwether as it all but guarantees a dramatic reversal of fortunes, but when it comes to social infrastructure and transport, Canada – in parts – is a shining star in an otherwise fairly lacklustre universe

  • Fund analysis: Digital Colony Partners

    On 5 June Florida-based Digital Colony Management signed off final close on its maiden fund Digital Colony Partners at $4.05 billion, slightly above the hard cap

  • Monster hunting – energy storage in Asia

    Major battery storage projects in Asia may still seem mythical to some, but many have taken on the quest

  • Who’s afraid of the CLO?

    Not all financial instruments with three-letter acronyms are scary. CLOs for infrastructure debt are not only making a comeback but now being promoted as a solution to climate change

  • Libor transition – buckle up for a rough ride

    The infrastructure industry is bracing for a storm of monumental proportions as the market readies itself for the transition away from established inter-bank lending rates that underpin many billions of dollars of loans across this global sector

  • Dunkirk offshore wind: a tender subject

    European offshore wind developers have been talking of little else other than the tender for the Dunkirk project in recent months. Their curiosity was finally satisfied on 14 June 2019 when it emerged that the EDF-led team had been awarded the 600MW wind farm at a sub €50/MWh strike price

  • Coal-fired power in Europe

    Mizuho Financial Group last month became the latest major Japanese bank to revise its policy framework to impose restriction on its lending to coal-fired power projects

  • Boké bauxite project phase 1, Guinea

    The $1.4 billion first phase of the bauxite project in the Boké Region, Guinea is already one of the biggest mining developments in Sub-Saharan Africa and yet has the scope to grow even larger in size and value

  • The great infra fund bean feast

    In a world ruled by data – its capture, storage and the limitless capacity for manipulation – one of the mainstays of an infra hack’s life is to anticipate market shifts based on hard facts and a rather splendid database. This week’s missive turns the focus on infra funds and the anticipated uptick in activity that’s impacting the industry and looks set to dish up a bean feast for years to come