• Fund focus switches from Asia Pacific to social infra

    As eight unlisted, closed-ended infrastructure funds raised $20.6 billion at final close in the first quarter of 2019, some interesting trends have emerged from the IJInvestor Funds and Investors Q1 2019 report

  • Infra funds – pride before the fall

    Since the beginning of time, the masses have been enthralled by building higher and bigger… a hubristic trait that usually ends badly and is repeatedly played out in the infrastructure funds space. This is why our quarterly report on fundraising by global infrastructure funds has so many in the industry predicting doom

  • Social housing bundle 1 PPP, Ireland

    Financial close on bundle 1 of Ireland's first social housing PPP project comes at a time of mounting pressure on the housing market, with a shortage of housing supply, an increased demand for home ownership and cases of half-built properties dotted across the country

  • Ethiopia’s REGREP on reality

    Ethiopia has seen three separate solar programmes reach significant milestones during the course of April – but a more important event last month was the emergence of the Renewable Energy Guarantee Programme that may lead to the East African state’s first ever utility-scale solar PV

  • Thailand floats its energy strategy on solar

    Thailand's updated power development plan for 2018-37 reflects the country's ambition to embrace renewable energy, and features floating solar projects as a way to diversify the energy mix

  • Sharing “spillover tax revenue”: a revolution in infra

    India’s new national broadband network could be the first project to enact an entirely new concession model, one which could revolutionise infrastructure finance

  • The great North American job hunt

    Few things set tongues wagging faster in the infrastructure community than recruitment trends, bonuses and salaries. While most folk like to benchmark careers against their peer group – frequently sucking the wind out of many a sail – everyone wants to know who is going where

  • Rabigh-3 IWP, Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia’s Water & Electricity Company is looking to significantly build out desalination capacity in the country, and Rabigh-3 is the first in a pipeline of independent water projects it is currently procuring

  • Revolving doors whip up a storm

    With bonuses now having been trousered by many London infrastructure bankers, the resignation season is in full swing as people ready themselves for new challenges or ease into the salaried luxury of gardening leave

  • Fibre fiefdoms: here to stay?

    Fibre-to-the-‘x’ deals – substitute x for premises, home or office – are increasingly visible in the M&A space, and in the last few weeks several deals have seen ambitious new players test the waters with some success

  • Trillium Line Extension P3, Canada

    The Trillium Line Extension DBFM project in Ottawa reached financial close in April with SNC-Lavalin – through its wholly-owned subsidiary TransitNEXT – selected to build the project. This was despite grumblings from competing teams that it failed to meet the minimum technical score of 70% set out in public documents provided by city officials

  • MUFG Bank – Global MLA of the Year

    IJGlobal awards have long held a special position in the industry, given that they are independently judged by teams of infrastructure and energy specialists in New York, London, Dubai and Singapore – giving them unrivalled authority and the cachet of peer review

  • Allen & Overy – Global Legal Adviser of the Year

    Choosing a winner for infrastructure and energy legal advisory on a global scale is a challenging feat, made infinitely more simple by aggregating scores from all four of IJGlobal’s independent judging teams – in London, New York, Dubai and Singapore

  • SMBC – Global Financial Adviser of the Year

    The 2018 calendar year proved to be a busy one for the SMBC financial advisory team with strong performance around the globe, winning it the IJGlobal Global Financial Adviser of the Year award that was presented at the Singapore event

  • Macquarie Capital – Sponsor of the Year

    When it comes to sponsors on the international infrastructure scene, few hold a candle to Macquarie Capital as it drives major transactions around the globe – according to IJGlobal’s independent panel of judges

  • It’s that time of year again…

    League tables have to be one of the most divisive pieces of research that IJGlobal publishes. Why divisive, I hear you ask? Well, they make some people angry when they don’t top the tables

  • UAE procurement – on the brink of change

    The lack of a full PPP programme has held back international private investment for years. To change this Abu Dhabi recently implemented a new PPP law

  • Autopista al Mar 1, Colombia

    Colombia's Autopista al Mar 1 project - the largest of the 4G road programme - reached financial close in March 2019, making it the second project to close since president Iván Duque took power in 2018

  • Let the wind blow high, let the debt price low…

    Debt pricing on offshore wind is enough to drive people to drugs these days... though some suggest certain lenders are ahead of the game on that front