• Kiamal Solar, Australia

    Sponsor Total Eren’s first solar farm in Australia has an unique feature – some five corporate power purchase agreements

  • The public takeover of Alpiq, Switzerland

    As Switzerland phases out coal-fired and nuclear generation capacity, the country’s dependence on hydropower increases

  • Ottawa’s ESAP P3, Canada

    Ottawa’s project to modernise, maintain and operate the district energy system that heats 80 buildings and cools 67 buildings – including parliament buildings – in Canada’s capital region reached financial close on 29 May

  • Vías Chile bonds, Chile

    Vías Chile closed on 29 May the refinancing of a loan with the issuance of a bond in the Chilean stock exchange, the Bolsa de Santiago - sparking a future trend in the Chilean capital markets

  • Sitra refinery expansion, Bahrain

    Bahrain Petroleum Company's Sitra refinery expansion drew together five international ECAs over seven tranches that yet could have been much bigger if not for the late – but great – role played by local lenders in the financing

  • Taking US midstream & LNG to the next level

    President Trump's executive orders to streamline federal permitting processes comes at a time when the US looks to develop its midstream infrastructure and position itself as a leading LNG exporter

  • Freedom Gas – breaking new territory

    It’s an ill wind that blows a fresh nugget of jargon across our computer screens, and once again we have our cousins across The Pond to thank for it as they re-brand natural gas to “Freedom Gas”

  • Ravenhall Prison PPP refinancing, Australia

    The US private placement refinancing of Ravenhall Prison PPP in Victoria has achieved a record tenor, going out to the end of the project's concession term in 2042

  • Talasol Solar Farm, Spain

    Ellomay has financed this 300MW solar farm with only a partial power hedge, showing how Spain is leading the way in innovative renewable energy deals

  • Renewable energy – opportunity knocks

    In a market where there’s a lot more cash available than places to deploy it, developers are following opportunity wherever that may be… hounded by a retinue of eager lenders, equity players and advisers

  • European renewables attract wide range of investors

    European renewable energy assets remain popular among fund managers and their investors

  • Zambia and Burkina Faso catching some sun

    In April the governments of Zambia and Burkina Faso awarded of a total of 275MW of renewable energy capacity to private sector firms

  • London calling: LSE’s new green opportunities

    The good financial weather on the London Stock Exchange continues to entice managers of prospective listed renewables funds. Its appeal has drawn two in recent months which share an intriguing set of features – both are denominated in non-sterling currencies, both are headquartered abroad, and neither buys assets in the UK

  • Offshore wind – floating an idea

    It’s a source of constant consternation for an observer of global infrastructure to watch as nascent technologies make the leap from emergent status to established/bankable in the blink of an eye… and that’s exactly what we see once again in the offshore wind space with floating turbines

  • Teknaf solar, Bangladesh

    Bangladesh’s first 15-year project financing – almost double the typical eight-year maximum tenor for the South Asian country’s infrastructure projects – crossed the finish line last week. GuarantCo played a crucial role in achieving the long tenor by mitigating payment default and liquidity risks on the $35.6 million Teknaf solar power project

  • Brooklyn Navy Yard cogen refi, US

    Axium Infrastructure completed the refinancing of the Brooklyn Navy Yard 286MW gas and oil-fired cogeneration facility in New York on 14 February using hybrid financing comprising tax-exempt bonds, taxable notes, and funds held under accounts created by the 1997 tax-exempt indenture

  • LNG-to-power in Brazil and GNA I

    An SPV comprising Prumo Logistics, BP and Siemens reached financial close at the end of March on the development, construction and operation of an LNG-to-power project located in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro, part of a trend in the country's power market where there has been a surge of these types of projects

  • Ecuadorian PPPs – some progress

    Latin America is increasingly looking at the PPP model as a way of facilitating private investment in new infrastructure. Ecuador is no exception to this trend

  • Rookery South Energy Recovery Facility, UK

    After years of financial and environmental challenges, owners of the 60MW Rookery South Energy Recovery Facility at Rookery South Pit near Stewartby, Bedfordshire, brought the project to financial close