• esFaraday battery storage portfolio, USA

    In a sector where there is often more talk than action, Californian developer esVolta cinched a landmark financing earlier this year for what it claims is the first large-scale standalone battery storage portfolio to reach financial close

  • Home workers of the revolution

    Comrades, we gather here today to pay our respects to a way of life that passed earlier this year having lived to a ripe old age… and evolved into the equivalent of a cantankerous old git who’s long overdue a planting

  • Another Covid-19 article – MENA edition

    Low oil prices offset by logistical challenges have been the mainstay of the energy and infra market in the Middle East & North Africa during the Covid-19 pandemic – nonetheless, two projects have reached financial close so far and some sponsors are confident of keeping their assets safe from infection

  • GSRP Portfolio I, US

    At the end of last year, Goldman Sachs Renewable Power, a division of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, closed a $500 private placement to refinance one of the largest commercial and industrial-scale solar portfolios ever amassed in the US

  • Viridor Waste-to-Energy, UK

    After KKR submitted an all-cash £4.2 billion bid in the first round of the Viridor waste-to-energy auction, one of the most highly anticipated M&A processes in the UK, it was hastily wrapped up in less than two months

  • University of Iowa Utility System, US

    Since financial close of the University of Iowa’s Utility System, the US P3 market has seen an aggressive uptick in colleges seeking private partners upgrade and operate cleaner, more efficient systems. Investors, meanwhile, see these transactions as both straightforward and lucrative

  • Termocandelaria Power Limited, Colombia

    In January 2020, Colombia's Termocandelaria Power Limited built on its success in the international bond market with a $186 million tap to finance the conversion of a 20-year old peaker into what it says will be the country’s most efficient gas-fired generation project

  • M&A in the Covid-19 epoch: APAC perspective

    Covid-19's impact appeared first in listed markets. Investors in late January were slowly pricing in the disruptions. Today, however, a popular Asia Pacific infrastructure index shows not a prolonged bloodbath but glimmers of a V-shaped recovery. IJGlobal reports on the pandemic's influence on origination, structuring and execution in the region's private market

  • Falling off a cliff – infra style

    As you look out there – virtually, of course, as you shouldn’t be going further than the end of your road unless it’s to load up with a couple of hundred-weight of bog roll – it’s a curiously vibrant market… for now. But dark clouds are massing...

  • Primary Energy Recycling Corporation, US

    Wind and solar are the obvious choices for sustainability-focused energy infrastructure investors, but for one fund manager, a portfolio of waste-heat-to-power plants supplying steel mills in the Midwest ticked all the boxes

  • Hydrogen: unlocking the green grid

    Large-scale hydrogen production could rapidly accelerate the transition to carbon neutrality. No country has yet developed a regulatory framework for this emerging sector, despite growing investor interest.

  • Pamplona-Cúcuta Highway, Colombia

    The $520 million Pamplona-Cúcuta highway, one of Colombia's stalled 4G projects, stuttered to financial close amid the Covid-19 pandemic

  • Infra technology – donkeys led by geeks

    If the coronavirus lockdown has taught us anything, it is that we’re more reliant now on technology than we ever have been to fulfil our functions… and you better believe this reliance is going to grow in the coming months/years

  • 49.99% acquisition of Altice Portugal FTTH

    Yesterday, Altice and Morgan Stanley Infrastructure Partners concluded the latter’s acquisition of a 49.99% stake in Altice’s Portuguese fibre network

  • More smoke than fire in standalone batteries

    A coterie of developers, project finance lenders and equity investors have been jockeying for position on the front line of a widely-tipped tidal wave of standalone battery storage deals for years, but with the exception of a few high-profile deals, so far there's been a lot more talk than action

  • Nobody does air-quotes any more

    There’s been a very quiet revolution over the last month that hardly anyone has noticed… because we’re all working from home. This seismic shift has been in the attitude to WFH, if you’ll excuse what appears to be teenage text-speak

  • Covid-19: Coping strategies for APAC

    During the first half of April (2020) IJGlobal has been asking 10 project finance lenders and advisers across Asia Pacific financial hubs Sydney and Singapore, Beijing and Hong Kong about the impacts of Covid-19

  • Covid-19 – The resilience of energy funds

    While the airport and road sectors have been hit pretty heavily by the outbreak of Covid-19, the energy space is proving resilient

  • Central Penn Gas Pipeline, Pennyslvania

    One the last remaining publicly-listed renewable energy yield companies in the US, NextEra Energy Partners, made a major fossil fuel investment last year when it acquired a stake in the 185-mile Central Penn gas pipeline in Pennsylvania for $1.37 billion. The financing included tightly-priced term debt and a complex convertible equity deal

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