• New England Power, US

    Having plucked two aging Massachusetts peakers out of GenOn Energy’s bankruptcy proceedings in 2018, Stonepeak Infrastructure Partners repackaged them last year into a 1.6GW portfolio called New England Power that proved highly palatable to project finance lenders

  • Hurontario Light Rail, Ontario

    Late last year the long awaited C$2.1 billion Hurontario Light Rail Transit (LRT) development, that will cut the commute from Mississauga to Brampton by 10 minutes, reached financial close

  • Pipeline cyberattack highlights risk to energy infra

    A hacking attack recently shut down an entire US gas pipeline asset for two days, underscoring concerns raised by experts and advocacy groups about the growing threat of cyberattacks in energy and other infrastructure sectors

  • Fingering the Force Majeure trigger

    A lot of people write off Coronavirus – Covid-19 if you really must – as a storm in a teacup, a ramped-up flu virus that’s no more worrisome than a passing bout of the snuffles… however, the infra/energy community begs to differ

  • A wash out for UK water

    The UK water regulator Ofwat left several British water companies in floods of tears in December 2019 by proposing some of the strictest requirements since privatisation in 1989, setting the stage for the most significant disagreement between regulator and water companies since that time

  • IRS guidance "big win" for carbon capture tax equity

    After two years of waiting, tax equity investors finally have much-needed guidance from the Internal Revenue Service on the framework for investments in carbon capture and storage projects

  • East Rockingham Resource Recovery Facility, Australia

    The East Rockingham Resource Recovery Facility is the second large-scale energy-from-waste facility to reach financial close in Australia. It differs from its predecessor in its new waste supply structure, under which councils will not be financially penalised for reducing waste volumes

  • Miami-Dade Courthouse, Florida

    After years of delays, Plenary Justice Miami has reached financial close on the Miami-Dade County civil and probate courthouse that will replace an existing courthouse so old that it once held a trial for Chicago mobster Al Capone

  • IPIF: Democratising unlisted infra for Australia's SMSFs

    As Melbourne-based fund-of-funds manager IPIF is in a A$250 million round of fundraising for its IPIF Core platform, the manager is considering future possibilities for direct investing. Meanwhile IPIF's new research quantifies the potential for outperformance for SMSFs that access exposure to the unlisted infrastructure asset class, as large industry superannuation schemes have

  • I Squared consolidates in Peru

    A year after private equity firm I Squared Capital completed the acquisition of a large renewable energy portfolio in Latin America, the fund tied up the final loose ends by refreshing the debt in place at the holdco level and on its newly consolidated Peruvian assets

  • Valentine’s Bonus – bankers are blue

    Word from the banking community has it that if you’re holding out for a heart-warming letter from your boss in the coming weeks – one that leaves you in little doubt how much you’re loved – well… you’re in for a nasty surprise

  • Vinča waste-to-energy PPP, Serbia

    A consortium of Suez, Itochu and Marguerite closed late last year on a landmark waste-to-energy PPP project to transform waste management in Serbia’s capital city

  • Newhurst waste-to-energy, UK

    Biffa, Covanta and Macquarie’s GIG successfully reached financial close on the 42MW Newhurst waste-to-energy project in Leicestershire against a backdrop of Brexit uncertainty

  • Banks and developers mull CFE's plans for renewables

    As the Mexican government upends incentives, self-supply contracts and the market for clean energy certificates, project finance and investment bankers in New York and developers in Mexico City are attempting to gauge the impact and decipher the administration's motives

  • EXCLUSIVE Kacific1 satellite, Space

    Kacific anticipates commercial service to start next month on its satellite Kacific1 nearly 35,800km above the equator, following the satellite’s launch on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket about two months ago. The $160 million refinancing had closed less than two weeks before launch, featuring an unusual mix of lenders: DFIs, an Australian pension fund, and a European asset manager

  • SOFR, so good?

    As lenders and borrowers prepare to say goodbye to Libor, also known as “the most important number in finance,” are project finance professionals ready?

  • Smart Cities – Fear and Loathing in Toronto

    The conservative – definitely lower case c – nature of Torontarians is being pushed to breaking point by ambitious plans to build a Smart City on their doorstep, giving the international market an ideal case study for the roll out of Intelligent Infrastructure… or possibly how not to do it

  • Gulf Plains Wind acquisition, US

    US-based fund manager Harbert Management Corporation almost doubled its renewable energy holdings at the end of last year when it acquired a stake in an 812MW wind portfolio − a deal it ultimately opted to finance in the bank market through a holding company called Gulf Plains Wind

  • Azito IV phase expansion, Côte d’Ivoire

    A total of nine DFIs turned up for the debt financing of only the fourth expansion of Globeleq’s on-going concern in Côte d’Ivoire which has now reached financial close – enabling the addition of 253MW of installed power capacity at the 462MW Azito combined cycle gas turbine power plant

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