• Energy Efficiency – have your cake and eat it

    IJGlobal funds reporter Arran Brown delves into the opportunity and challenges ahead for energy efficiency as it builds momentum as an asset class

  • IJInvestor Awards 2020 – Outstanding Individual Steven Sonnenstein, Digital Colony

    Voted Outstanding Individual in the IJInvestor Awards 2020, IJGlobal editorial director Angus Leslie Melville speaks to Steven Sonnenstein about his career and digital infrastructure…

  • The global ESG scrabble

    The challenge of ESG and how the market is delivering change - IJGlobal Asia Pacific senior reporter Dave Doré delves into approaches being taken and how the process yields value...

  • IJInvestor Awards 2020 – Rising Star Jemima Atkins, AllianzGI

    AllianzGI assistant vice-president Jemima Atkins is a Rising Star according to the IJInvestor Awards judging committee. IJGlobal reporter Sophie Mellor finds out just how fast she ascends…

  • The ESG policy tsunami making landfall in 2021

    If sustainable investing reached a high-water mark in 2020, then the level of investor enthusiasm shows no sign of receding in 2021. But a new force is looming on the horizon: EU regulators and the incoming sustainable finance package, writes IJGlobal Funds Editor Ott Tammik

  • Indonesia’s infrastructure: the road to post-Covid recovery

    Indonesia's first wave of coronavirus outbreak crashed into the archipelago in April 2020. Some eight months later, IJGlobal's Civi Yap explores how the world's fourth-most populous country may recover through infrastructure development

  • The IJGlobal ESG Report

    IJGlobal has today published an in-depth report on the tectonic shifts in the ESG space this year, particularly within the global infrastructure and energy markets

  • Java 9 & 10 coal-fired, Indonesia

    Controversy has long swirled around Java 9 & 10 – Indonesia’s coal-fired power plant complex in Banten. The $3.4 billion project in November 2020 achieved financial close, while facing vociferous international and local opposition. The project also paves the way for a fresh equity structure in major power projects in Indonesia

  • The Saudi megaprojects – in need of water and power

    Saudi Arabia’s efforts to enforce the sweeping reforms of its economic, social, and cultural spheres is symbolised by its pursuit of singular large megaprojects – the objectives of which go to the heart of the House of Saud’s Vision 2030 initiative

  • Sendai-Gamo biomass, Japan

    Aligned with the Sendai City Earthquake Disaster Reconstruction Plan, the roughly $527 million Sendai-Gamo biomass power plant project arose from the detritus of the Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami off the Pacific coast of Tohoku on 11 March 2011 that racked more than 21,000 causalities, including nearly 16,000 deaths

  • Sorgenia Acquisition, Italy

    To get an M&A process completed in 2020 is a daunting task. To sell off 3GW of CCGT capacity in Western Europe during a green energy revolution is even more intimidating

  • Investors eye Colombia amid LatAm uncertainty

    As several of the Latin American countries that used to be favorites for foreign investors have become less hospitable and stable in recent months, market participants are taking a fresh look at Colombia and the opportunities it offers in power and renewables

  • Columboola Solar PV, Australia

    The Columboola solar park in Queensland reached financial close in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and stands testament to the resilience of the renewables market in Australia

  • Q&A: Brazil's energy minister, Bento Albuquerque

    In an exclusive interview with Bento Albuquerque, Brazil’s minister of mines and energy, IJGlobal Americas senior reporter Juliana Ennes is brought up-to date on big plans to use the energy sector as a propellant for economic recovery

  • Louis-Hippolyte-La Fontaine Tunnel Refurbishment, Quebec

    Renouveau La Fontaine - a 50:50 joint venture of Vinci subsidiaries Eurovia and Dodin Campenon Bernard and Québec-based Pomerleau signed a final C1.142 billion DBF contract in July 2020 to tackle the refurbishment of the Louis-Hippolyte-La Fontaine Tunnel in Quebec, the longest underwater structure in Canada

  • Cellnex steals the march on tower auctions

    Cellnex has a habit of closing chunky deals, while shying away from M&A shootouts. Instead, it prefers to conduct business on a bilateral basis

  • The limp grip of an expiring raccoon

    The days of the handshake and numerous other social fripperies seem – thanks to the coronavirus pandemic – to be nearing an end… and it can’t come soon enough

  • IJInvestor Awards 2020 – Redefining Infrastructure

    IJInvestor – the IJGlobal sister title focused on infrastructure fund activity and global infra/energy M&A – is delighted to announce the shortlist for the Redefining Infrastructure category in our annual awards

  • Equity firms branch out into infra debt

    A string of equity fund managers have recently dipped their toes into the infrastructure debt market