• Puerto Rico's renewed PPP goals

    Debt-ridden Caribbean island and US territory, Puerto Rico, has announced plans to resurrect its PPP programme with an ambitious pipeline of fresh projects across multiple sectors

  • Project procurement and delivery

    The UK, Canada and Australia are three of the most established private finance markets for infrastructure in the world. Lauded for easily accessible and transparent procurement and delivery mechanisms they are often a blueprint for emerging PPP markets

  • Borkum West Phase 2 offshore wind, Germany

    The 203MW, Borkum West Phase 2 €800 million ($870.4 million) offshore wind project off the coast of Germany is one of the last renewables projects to enjoy fixed feed-in tariff subsidy support from the German government

  • Chile’s conservative pipeline

    While other Latin American nations promise massive infrastructure programmes, Chile is taking a more conservative stance as it prepares for a change in government

  • Acwa Power’s project-backed bond, Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabian developer Acwa Power’s recently closed project-backed bond issuance unlocks some $814 million in capital for the firm in what is its first investment-grade offering secured against operational assets

  • Pakistan’s power potential

    Pakistan, a country where over 140 million people don’t have access to power, is investing heavily in its energy sector. And Asian investors are taking advantage

  • Japan's pension funds interest in infrastructure

    On 11 April 2017, The Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) of Japan issued a call for asset managers of alternative assets, including infrastructure, private equity and real estate, to invest via fund of funds products that are set up as separate managed accounts for GPIF

  • California's infrastructure ambition

    The Californian State Legislature passed a historic bill in April to raise California gas taxes by $0.12 in an attempt to raise as much as $52 billion towards repairing the state's infrastructure over the next decade

  • PPP, transport and the need for diversity

    The UK government has promised a new pipeline of PF2 projects by the spring. Naturally these things are often delayed. While the infrastructure market waits the hope is that the list of projects will include more than just transport

  • Australia’s gas supply shortage

    Several regions of Australia are suffering blackouts due to a domestic gas supply shortage. Given the numerous and very large LNG projects being developed in the country, the shortage seems extraordinary

  • Leviathan gas field, Israel

    Delek Group and Texas-based partner Noble Energy’s financing of the Leviathan gas field offshore Israel represents the country’s largest ever infrastructure project. The field will ultimately transform Israel into a regional energy hub

  • Financing Argentina’s ambitious infra plans

    Argentina is seeking significant private sector investment to support its ambitious plans, and so must attract foreign capital

  • The post-subsidy future for offshore wind

    A common criticism of offshore wind, that it is too expensive compared with other available renewable technologies, has been challenged by bidding on a tender in Germany this week which suggests the technology can be developed without subsidies

  • Acquisition of 61% of National Grid Gas Distribution, UK

    The auction of a majority stake of National Grid’s four UK gas distribution networks presented a rare opportunity for largest asset managers, sovereign wealth and pension funds to deploy bulky equity cheques

  • Old Harbour Bay Power & LNG, Jamaica

    How local banks arranged the largest private sector project financing in the history of Jamaican and set the stage for further LNG development across the Caribbean

  • Interview: Kansai Electric Power’s Yoshihiro Takechi

    Market liberalisation at home is driving Japanese power utility Kansai Electric to seek growth overseas. Yoshiro Takechi, general manager of Kansai Electric international business and cooperation division, has unveiled what he expects in return for the company’s ¥500 billion ($4.5 billion) war chest in an interview with IJGlobal

  • Data analysis: Diversification targeted for funds raised in Q1

    The first quarter of 2017 has seen high volumes of capital being raised at a global level, with 22 unlisted, closed-ended funds raising $33.9 billion in total, according to IJGlobal data

  • Bexley oncology wing, St. James’s University hospital, UK

    Aberdeen Infrastructure Partners and a fund managed by Dalmore Capital reached financial close at the end of March on a refinancing of the Bexley oncology wing of the St. James’s University hospital in Leeds in the UK

  • The Canada Infrastructure Bank

    In the past few weeks, the federal government of Canada has announced a couple of senior appointments for the, yet-to-be formally launched, Canada Infrastructure Bank, signalling its commitment to bringing the bank into existence

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