Analysis Archive

  • Hinkley's state support: the fallout

    The European Commission approved state support for the UK’s £16 billion, 3,200MW Hinkley Point C nuclear project earlier this month. What does the EC’s agreement mean for the future of energy...

  • Dublin Waste-to-Energy Project

    The successful closing of the €500 million ($642.2 million), 58MW Dublin energy-to-waste project is the culmination of years of struggle to get this major Irish PPP project off the ground

  • Russia calling, as sanctions bite

    Political decisions will determine how long sanctions imposed by the West must continue to hurt the Russian economy at large, but Russia’s transport sector has had to adapt to liquidity constraints

  • Mining and solar in Chile: PPA hope?

    Could this match between Chile’s power-hungry mining industry and a rapidly growing solar presence in the arid north be an answer to Chile’s PPA woes?

  • Rise of the pension fund infrastructure platform

    More than 18 years since Australia’s IFM Investors began pooling pension fund capital into infrastructure investment funds, 2014 has seen a spike of activity in pension fund-led investment platforms...

  • Safi coal-fired, Morocco

    The 1,320MW Safi independent power producer (IPP) project in Morocco will be the largest privately developed power plant in Africa to sign financing agreements this year

  • Speyside biomass, UK

    The £48 million ($80 million) bond issue by Speyside Renewable Energy Finance is the first UK government-guaranteed bond issue for a renewables project

  • Interstate 4 Ultimate Road PPP, Florida

    The $2.3 billion I-4 Ultimate PPP, the largest availability payment based transaction in the US to date, sees the return of tight pricing on US transport PPPs, and significant funding support from...

  • Nepal’s hydropower potential

    The landlocked, mountainous country of Nepal has immense hydropower potential. But concluding a power trade agreement with India is vital to the development of the country's hydro sector

  • A7 Bordesholm-Hamburg, Germany

    Hochtief, DIF and Kemna's €770 million ($1.02 billion) A7 motorway PPP in Germany marks both the first use of a greenfield project bond for a German road asset and the first European Investment Bank...

  • Repricings in the US power market

    US sponsors have been repricing debt on their power plants at attractive margins, reflecting a bank market starved for deals

  • Tisur Matarani port expansion, Peru

    Grupo Romero has signed a $280 million non-recourse debt-financing for the Terminal Internacional del Sur (Tisur) Matarani port expansion project in southern Peru for which the Las Bambas, Cerro Verde...

  • India’s new infrastructure investment trusts

    India’s huge infrastructure development potential India requires stronger infrastructure financing systems. Infrastructure investment trusts (InvITs) are India’s latest attempt to boost access to...

  • Westermost Rough, equity refinancing

    The UK Green Investment Bank (GIB) and Marubeni closed a £1 billion ($1.6 billion) refinancing of their 50% equity investment in the Westermost Rough offshore wind project

  • US transportation: The 11th hour fix

    Days away from allowing the US federal Highway Trust Fund to reach insolvency, Congress finally approved $10.8 billion in funding to the scheme. But the congressional bill is a short-term remedy and...

  • CPV's St. Charles and EIF's Newark power projects

    As commercial banks look for market share in the US power market many are turning to merchant power projects, albeit with hedges that provide pricing certainty similar to a short term power purchase...

  • Pakistan’s power problems

    Circular debt is an accepted and long running risk for Pakistan IPPs. But the country needs outside investment to fix its power problems. The country’s heavy backers, the Chinese, may not accept...

  • ICA toll road refinancing, Mexico

    Last month Mexican construction firm Ingenieros Civiles Asociados (ICA) closed a Ps3.8 billion ($294 million) bond refinancing which combined revenues from a toll road concession and a hybrid...

  • 2i Rete Gas refinancing, Italy

    F2i and Ardian last month closed a €2.45 billion bank and bond refinancing of their 2i Rete Gas distribution assets, marking the largest combined bank and bond refinancing in Italy to date