The IJGlobal Podcast


The IJGlobal podcast is hosted by members of the editorial team who delve into matters relating to the finance, procurement, delivery and operation of infrastructure and energy projects around the world.

The focus ranges from the project finance of greenfield transactions through to M&A activity and interesting developments in the infra fund community... all of it in the infrastructure and energy community.



Infra Dig – Astarte on Greece, renewables and ESG

Teresa Farmaki – co-founder of Astarte Capital Management – pulls up a chair for a fireside chat in the latest episode of the IJGlobal podcast series… Infra Dig

Infra Dig – African energy… in transition

Gabriel Onagoruwa chair of the project development and finance practice at Nigeria-headquartered law firm Olaniwun Ajayi stars in this week's Infra Dig podcast

Infra Dig – Atrato… doing infra the ESG way

When it comes to ESG in the infrastructure and energy space, most organisations waving the ESG flag would do well to scrutinise Atrato Group and take a leaf out of its book

Infra Dig – Hy24’s hydrogen plan

Big bets are being put on the future of hydrogen… but not many of them are quite as ambitious as Hy24’s masterplan to drive investments into delivering the energy source of the future

Infra Dig – Toll Road to Damascus Experience

When it comes to asset ownership in the infrastructure and energy space, commonly-used metrics have become synonymous with good governance… but what if one of them was fundamentally flawed?

Infra Dig – Namibian hydrogen… stunning ambitions

When it comes to ambitious projects, Namibia is leading the field with a fascinating project that will establish the southern African nation as a significant player in the fast-evolving hydrogen ma

Infra Dig – Quinbrook’s ESG tech bonanza

ESG and technology in infrastructure and energy are front-and-centre for this week’s Infra Dig podcast as the focus turns to Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners – winner of the tech trophy in last year’s inaugural IJGlobal ESG Awards

Infra Dig – Nicholas Beatty, Zenobē Energy

In a flagrant display of self promotion, the Infra Dig podcast interviews the winner of one of last year’s IJGlobal ESG Awards… to ramp up publicity for this year’s event which is currently receiving submissions