For the record

PPP/Real Estate Deal of the Year 2002 - HOCLAS

Annes Gate Property Ltd.
Description: £274 million bond issue backing construction of new headquarter buildings for the UK Home Office. Sponsors: HSBC Infrastructure and Bouygues. Bookrunners: Royal Bank of Canada and Barclays Capital. Insurer: Ambac

European Municipal Finance Deal of the Year - EMASESA

Description: Eu96.15 million sale of water receivables for water systems upgradeSponsor: EMASESAArrangers: Dexia Sabadell Banco Local; Ahorro Corporación Financiera EIB guarantor: FSA

European Rail PPP Deal of the Year 2002 - Tubelines

Description: PPP deal for regeneration and maintenance of Jubilee, Northern and Picadilly lines on the London UndergoundSponsors: Amey; Bechtel; JarvisMandated lead arrangers: HBoS (technical); Mizuho (documentation); WestLB (documentation); SG (bookrunner and modelling)Monoline wrap: AmbacMultilateral debt: EIBSub-debt arranger: CIT

European Power Deal of the Year 2002 - Rijnmond Power

Rijnmond Energie CV
Description: Eu622 million ($655 million) financing of a 790MW heat and power plant based on a hybrid-merchant structure Sponsor: InterGen Leads: BNP Paribas, Societe Generale

European Transport Deal of the Year 2002 - A28

Autoroute de Liaison Seine-Sarthe
Description: Bond financing of a greenfield real toll road Sponsors: Bouygues Construction subsidiaries (namely Bouygues Travaux Publics, DTP Terressement and Quille), HBOS, CDC IXIS, EGIS and SAPN Monoline: FSA Lead manager and bookrunner: CDC IXIS Capital Markets

European PPP/Transport Deal of the Year 2002 - Newport SDR

Newport SDR
Description: PPP financing of a distributor road and bridge Sponsors: Morgan Sindall plc and Vinci SA Leads: AXA Investment Managers. Joint arrangers Depfa Bank

European Renewables Deal of the Year 2002 - Eurovento

Sponsors: Terranova, Tomen Mandated arranger: HypoVeriensbank (100% underwriter)Lead arranger: Fortis

European Telecoms Deal of the Year 2002 - H3G Italia SpA

Description: Greenfield financing of a UMTS networkSponsors: Hutchison Whampoa (88.228%), NHS Investments (5.639%), Bernabè Mobile Investments 2 (2.256%), CIRtel International (1.825%), HdP (1.128%), Gemina (0.564%), and Tiscali (0.360%)Arrangers: ABN Amro, Banca Antoniana Popolare Veneta, BOCI Capital, China Construction Bank, Centrobanca, Crédit Agricole Indosuez, Deutsche Bank, Development Bank of Singapore, HSBC, IntesaBCI, JPMorgan Chase, Royal Bank of Scotland, Société Générale., Unicredit Banca Mobiliare, and WestLBVendor finance: Nordea, HSBC, KfW, EKN

European Manufacturing Deal of the Year 2002 - Stendal Pulp Mill

Zellstoff Stendal
Description: Financing of a pulp mill to service the European market Sponsors: Mercer International (63.6%), RWE IN (29.4%) and FAHR Beteiligungen (7%). Lead arranger: HVB Group

European PPP/Healthcare Deal of the Year 2002 - Walsgrave

Coventry and Rugby Hospital Company PLC
Description: PFI bond financing of NHS health services Sponsors: Skanska and Innisfree Bookrunner: BNP Paribas

European Oil and Gas Deal of the Year 2002 - SeverTEK

Description: First Russian oil and gas deal without a PSA. Development of South Shapkino fieldLead arranger: HypoVereinsbank

Middle East Petrochemicals Deal of the Year 2002 - Omifco

Oman-India Fertilizer Company
Description: Ammonia and urea production plantSponsors: Oman Oil, IFFCO, KRIBHCOArrangers: ANZ, BNP Paribas, ABC

MENA Oil and Gas Deal of the Year 2002 - QGTL (renamed Oryx GTL)

Oryx GTL
Sponsors: Qatar Petroleum; Sasol Description: Development of biggest GTL complex to dateFinancial advisor: Royal Bank of Scotland Lead arrangers: Abbey National; Arab Banking Corporation; Apicorp; Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi (BoTM); BNP paribas; Credit Lyonnais; Credit Agricole Indosuez; Gulf International Bank (GIB); HSBC Investment Bank; HypoVereinsbank; KBC Ireland; Mizuho Financial Group; Qatar National Bank; Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS); Sumitomo-Mitsui Banking Corporation

Middle East Water Deal of the Year 2002 - Sulaibiya

Utilities Development Company
Description: BOT financing of a wastewater and reclamation plant in Kuwait.Sponsors: Al Kharafi and IonicsDebt: KD114Arrangers: National Bank of Kuwait, Bank of Kuwait and Middle East, and Middle East Bank

African Oil and Gas Deal of the Year 2002 - NLNG-Plus

Sponsors: Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (49%); Shell (25.6%); TotalFinaElf (15%); Agip (10.4%)Description: Funding for construction of trains 4 and 5 of NLNG's expansion programme.Lead arrangers: BNP Paribas, Credit Lyonnais, Citibank, Mediocredito, WestLB.

African Teleecoms Deal of the Year 2002 - Vodacom Tanzania

Vodacom Tanzania
Description: domestic bank, development bank and ECA financing of mobile GSM networkSponsor: VodacomArranger: Standard Bank

African PPP/Healthcare Deal of the Year 2002 - Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital

Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital
Sponsors: The Impilo Consortium ? comprising Siemens; AME; Drake & Skull; Vulindlela Holdings; Omame Investments; Mbekani Health & WellbeingDescription: First PPP funding for provincial hospitalArranger and underwriter: Rand Merchant Bank

African Real Estate Deal of the Year 2002 - Suncoast Casino

Tsogo Sun KwaZulu-Natal (Pty) Ltd
Description: Financing of a casino as part of an entertainment complex Lead arranger: Investec Bank, South AfricaSponsors: Tsogo Sun Holdings and Johnnic Holdings