• World Cup 2018 – the infra pitch

    When it comes to an international showdown, I have to admit that infrastructure’s a lot closer to my heart than football (forgive me, I’m Scottish). However, in the spirit day as the World Cup 2018 plays out on screens around the globe, it seems only fair to turn the focus on the beautiful game and draw inevitable comparisons with… infrastructure

  • Belt & Road: China's Malacca dilemma

    Once the key pillar of China’s Belt & Road initiative, the Malaysian opposition’s election victory in May has raised questions about Beijing’s strategy going forward

  • A rocky road ahead for Argentina's PPPs

    The recent award of six toll roads in Argentina should have been a moment of triumph for President Mauricio Macri's government, which has made increased infrastructure investment a priority. But the country's macroeconomic situation limited interest in the auction and has cast a shadow over the future of the projects

  • France bites bullet – softly – on subsidies

    France has bitten the bullet on subsidies for the first two rounds of its offshore wind programme, slashing them from an eye-watering €200 per MW over 20 years to a – let’s be honest – still pretty darned generous €150/MW… and it has (largely) been welcomed

  • Ituango hydro: hopes for sunrise over flooded lands

    The almost literally collapsing Ituango hydropower project in Colombia may open the way to a faster development of renewables in the country

  • New York sees a green future

    The state of New York in March announced both that it was awarding 26 large-scale renewables projects worth $1.4 billion, and that it had requested to be excluded from the federal offshore oil and gas drilling programme. The state was making it priorities clear

  • Norway – Alt for Norge

    In a European infrastructure market that has been dominated in recent times by refinancing and acquisitions, it seems counter-intuitive to focus on greenfield PPP developments, but hopes springs eternal at IJGlobal and the desire to celebrate opportunity is strong

  • A30 toll road refinancing, Canada

    The refinancing of a project which was intended to divert traffic away from Montreal Island has steered a whole load of Canadian paper across the southern border and into the hands of US investors – a first for a major transport project in the country

  • DFI lending in Rwanda

    Since President Paul Kagame launched his country's Vision 2020 development plan in 2000, substantial progress has been made on improving Rwanda's infrastructure

  • Acquisition of HES International, The Netherlands

    Funds managed by Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets and Goldman Sachs investment bank signed a $1.6 billion deal on 3 April to acquire one of Europe's largest dry and liquid bulk terminals operators – HES International. The acquisition is pending final completion

  • Nobody expects the Spanish disposition

    Political upheaval in Spain has thrown the European market into disarray as the transport agenda is kicked into the long grass – wiping out the only greenfield pipeline of any scale on the continent

  • Asia green bonds: looking ahead

    Financing of renewables across the Asia Pacific has so far been dominated by commercial and multilateral banks. But regional bond investors are showing interest in green bonds and finance – fuelling hopes for the potential growth of capital market financing solutions

  • Corpus Christi 3 LNG, US

    This is the type of transaction that made everyone involved happy. IJGlobal understands that the only frustration on this deal came from the banks – they wanted more. Cheniere Energy awarded only 14% of what each bank had offered on the first new liquefied natural gas development in the US to move forward since 2015

  • Saudi – pricing the sun and wind

    The Middle East has shot to the top of the renewable energy industry’s onshore leader board with an enviable programme of scale. Bidders are now tripping over themselves to compete and word from the banking community has it that lenders are wincing at the margins

  • Rosy outlook for Indian oil refineries

    India recently unveiled plans to set up the world’s largest refinery at Babulwadi, Taluka Rajpur in Ratnagiri district. The project is expected to cost around $40 billion and have a refining capacity of 60 million tonnes per annum

  • Afsluitdijk PPP, The Netherlands

    The Netherlands’ Afsluitdijk PPP project reveals the extent to which banks from beyond the surrounding region are shying away from Dutch infrastructure projects. Meanwhile, with the Dutch PPP pipeline drying out, construction companies and banks in the Netherlands are also feeling the pinch

  • Spain: for whom the expropriation tolls

    The euphoria that welcomed the announcement of a €5 billion greenfield Spanish roads programme has waned in recent months as expropriation risks bring progress to a stumbling shuffle and the dreaded four-letter word – toll – is whispered eagerly in the corridors of power in a bid to hedge their costs

  • 2018-2020 infra pipeline in Peru

    Peru’s Private Investment Promotion Agency is conducting roadshows around the world to attract new investment to the country’s substantial pipeline of infrastructure projects. Opportunities for investors and contractors are vast. The Latin American country hopes the international investor community is more sympathetic to its petitions than FIFA has been

  • Saudi Arabian renewables tenders

    Saudi Arabia in early 2018 announced ambitious new plans to promote renewable energy as part of the kingdom’s long-term strategy to diversify its economy. The kingdom is planning to tender a total of 3.3GW of solar capacity and 800MW of wind capacity this year, Turki Al Shehri, head of the Renewable Energy Project Development Office confirmed to IJGlobal in January