• Mutkalampi Wind Farm, Finland

    Earlier in the month Neoen reached financial close on the €478 million Mutkalampi wind farm – Finland’s largest onshore wind project to date, with commissioning set for late 2022

  • New York Thruway Service Stations P3

    Irish company Applegreen has been active in the US market since 2014, slowly expanding its foothold in the forecourt retail space through organic and acquisition-driven growth. The New York Service Areas project is the second P3 project it has been involved in, the first being the Connecticut Highway Service Plazas P3 in which it acquired a 40% stake in 2019

  • Awards – a flattering market reflection?

    Having spent the last couple of weeks wading through submissions for IJGlobal Awards 2020 and now having launched into Judgment Day sessions… it’s with a somewhat giddy head that fingers hit keyboard for the Friday missive

  • Secondary funds market primed for a bumper year

    The pandemic temporarily threw a wrench in the works, but an inflow of new capital is expected to drive further growth in the secondary market for stakes in infrastructure funds

  • Taking the pulse on Velindre

    The long-delayed Velindre Cancer Research Centre PPP in Wales appears to have received a much-needed breath of life with the Welsh government approving the business case for the development, allowing it to progress to procurement

  • Sitara Solar Energy, India

    Soft copy proposals were due at the end of last week on the government-backed Seci's Tranche-IV, which is the procurement of IPPs to develop up to 1,785MW of grid-connected solar power in north western India. The deadline arrives a month after the project company of a nearly $70 million solar power plant in northern India reached financial close

  • Battle for Suez: driving a hard bargain

    An M&A battle has seldom caused such a stench as that kicked up by Veolia’s struggle to swallow Suez, still unresolved after the best part of a year

  • Yanbu-4 IWP, Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia’s water drive continues with the 450,000 m3pd Yanbu-4 IWP project which has been brought to financial close by an Engie-led consortium

  • The next generation of data for infrastructure investors – Special Report

    To the usual “How was Covid for you?” the team at EDHECinfra knows not to smile too much. “When we launched the commercial activities of EDHECinfra in 2019,” recalls director and founder Frederic Blanc-Brude, “one of us said something like ‘what we need now is a good crisis!’”

  • US infrastructure – yee-haw… maybe

    National infrastructure plans are usually met with an immediate call to arms from the private sector… but when it comes to the US, the market is a lot less swift to start a-hollerin’ and a-whoopin’. And for good reason. Cruel experience has taught the infrastructure community to treat federal infra announcements with a degree of caution… and the bigger the announcement, the greater that caution...

  • Future-proofing Asia Pacific – Hydrogen financing’s bamboo shoots

    The market is increasingly seizing opportunities across hydrogen’s value chain in Asia Pacific, with a natural alignment evolving between value chain and financial solutions. The industry needs to devote most resources towards drafting and negotiating security and guarantee packages, IJGlobal’s David Doré finds

  • Going green – the Dutch clean hydrogen vision

    The Netherlands is a leading light in the green hydrogen revolution with many pinning hopes on it as a pathfinder for Europe. IJGlobal assistant editor Anna Cole-Bailey takes a look at the most ambitious projects

  • Brexit Special Report 2021

    IJGlobal speaks to Assured Guaranty’s Paris-based Raphael de Tapol about the challenges brought by Brexit and how AG has risen to overcome them…

  • Investors look for exits amid Mexico’s counter-reform

    As the Mexican government pushes through its counter-reform of the energy sector, some investors are preparing to leave the country while others attempt to navigate the uncertainty

  • Environmentally, economically and politically unstable… nuclear

    The future of nuclear lies in the hands of governments that want to build it. Sophie Mellor looks at how ESG ratings, public and private financing as well as politically stability impact projects

  • One year in… one quarter up

    Having penned the Editor’s Letter for the next issue of the IJGlobal Magazine (out next week, online only), it left this aging infra hack pondering how long it had been since the last Friday missive… never mind how long we’ve been in lockdown and the UK out of Europe

  • Georgia Power sustainability bond, US

    Georgia Power brought another new ESG labeled security to the US utility sector in February when it issued its first sustainability bond – which is similar to a green bond but with an expanded list of eligible projects that include social initiatives

  • Long-haul recovery for aviation

    One year on from the grounding of flights in Europe and the US, one of the hardest hit corners of the infrastructure world is still reeling from the pandemic, though the industry is hoping for the vaccine ramp-up to lead to the start of a recovery later this year

  • Satria Satellite PPP, Indonesia

    Indonesia's first multi-functional satellite PPP – the $550 million Satria satellite – achieved financial close last month, 3 years after Indonesia's Ministry of Communication and Information Technology launched the project tender

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