Analysis Archive

  • Energy storage – country cousin no more

    Over the years we’ve seen more niche sectors than you care to recall creep out of left- into centre-field for infrastructure. These are mostly whacky wheezes dreamt up by funds desperate to shift...

  • HS1 acquisition, UK

    A pool of fund managers formerly focused on PFI/PPP have become eager to buy, and hard to beat, when it comes to core, regulated infrastructure assets in Europe

  • Luton Airport, UK

    Luton Airport has always struggled to sell its London credentials, sitting as it does 13 miles north of the capital's orbital motorway. This refi of the concession re-fit and extend the existing...

  • Mind the gap

    While the UK government has talked a lot about bridging the north-south divide, the regions still lag far behind London in terms of investment in transport infrastructure

  • Infra debt funds – brown trouser time

    There’s an old tale that Admiral Nelson was once asked by a flunky why he wore a red tunic into battle. He coolly replied that, were he to be shot, the blood would not show and the morale of his...

  • China vs Japan outbound

    The two Asian giants are both keen outbound investors. IJGlobal data reveals the Japanese have an edge over their Chinese rivals when it comes to deal volumes, but the gap is narrowing

  • Scotland – land of my fathers… and NPD

    This week we looked on in admiration as Queensferry Crossing – the £1.35 billion bridge linking Edinburgh to the wastelands of Fife – opened to traffic so the Scottish Government can say it went live...

  • Interview: Mytrah Energy’s Bob Smith

    India’s ambitious renewables goals makes the country’s electricity market the “most exciting in the world,” Mytrah Energy executive vice-president Bob Smith tells IJGlobal.

  • Mini-perm treatment for GCC tenors in need of a trim

    Mini-perm financings are increasingly in vogue across the GCC, driven by ultra-competitive pricing on renewable energy projects and bank liquidity requirements

  • Corruption and infrastructure

    Can we draw any parallels between the perceived corruption levels in a country and its ability to procure infrastructure projects?

  • Silvertown – make-or-break for UK PPP

    The UK government dubs Silvertown Tunnel a “nationally-significant infrastructure project”… and not without good reason. It’s the only one out there

  • Flying off the shelves

    A large number of international operators are hotly anticipating upcoming privatisations of airports in Brazil. And there are many reasons why investors should be salivating at the prospects

  • Hickory Run power plant – US

    In a first for the US power sector, Asian investors have sidestepped brokers and gone directly to lead arrangers

  • New players on the North American fundraising field

    The North American fundraising market has been making the headlines over the past 18 months thanks to its mega-funds, but a renewed hope in the region’s future project pipeline has seen a number of...

  • EIB – full retreat from the UK?

    Rarely does one see anything on LinkedIn that prompts a belly laugh, but today a cheeky bit of clickbait posted by a frequent and controversial market commentator on the future involvement of the EIB...

  • Macquarie / GIB and the August echo chamber

    It’s that time of year again – sailing past the mid-point of August with the echo chamber in full effect as the entirety of the (South) European infrastructure community basks itself in the very...

  • Denmark’s Frankenfund – it’s live…

    This week witnessed the birth of a fund that bears all the hallmarks of Frankenstein’s monster and it has now been unleashed on emerging markets. In a staggering display of Nordic good sense...

  • Aela Wind Portfolio, Chile

    The debt contract for the three-asset Aela wind portfolio in Chile was anything but plain vanilla, and shows that there is still some appetite for long-tenor financings in the country

  • MENA cuts time to financial close

    The MENA region, never a slouch when it came to getting projects over the finish line, appears to be getting quicker at taking projects from preferred bidder (PB) to financial close