IJGlobal ESG Report 2023
Welcome to the third issue of the annual IJGlobal ESG Report. In this latest publication we have drawn together some key features tracking progress in this crucial sector as it continues to build momentum.
This issue is particularly timely as it is the month that we host the IJGlobal ESG Awards 2023 which will be celebrated on 19 October at The Carlton Tower, Jumeirah, in London.
To download the report, CLICK HERE…
Possibly more impactful, the IJGlobal ESG Report 2023 is published in good time for the United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC – more commonly referred to as COP28 – which will be the 28th time it has been staged. This year it is being held from 30 November to 12 December at Expo City, Dubai.
In this issue, we have 3 sponsored articles – by Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management, PEI Global Partners and Vauban Infrastructure Partners – followed by a slew of features written especially for this publication and some relevant case studies that shine a light on key developments.
We will be updating this report after the IJGlobal ESG Awards 2023 with more stories on some of the organisations and transactions that have been singled out by the independent panel of judges for praise, recognising the leadership role they have played in recent times.
IJGlobal – through this annual report and the awards celebrations (which we plan to roll out beyond London in coming years) – has given its commitment to playing a central role in tracking developments in the international ESG space, not just celebrating achievements, but also leading the discussion.
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