IJGlobal Energy Transition Report 2023
We are delighted today (9 August) to be publishing the Energy Transition Report 2023 – once again lifting the lid on this key element of international infrastructure finance which has seen early movers make significant strides as the industry takes action now in readiness for global regulation.
This year’s report has 3 sponsors:
- Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management
- EDHEC Infra
To download the report, CLICK HERE…
Included in this latest issue is a swathe of features by industry experts and sponsors, as well as a number of pieces crafted by the IJGlobal editorial team.
It includes a feature by EDHEC Infra which has made huge efforts to support the energy and infrastructure industry as it readies itself to report to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD); a feature by CDPQ which took action early on the energy transition and since 2017, has invested C$29 billion in low-carbon assets – reducing its portfolio’s carbon intensity by 53%.
Also featured is Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management (EDRAM) which in 2014 launched the BRIDGE (Benjamin de Rothschild Infrastructure Debt Generation) platform and from those early days aimed to invest in renewable energy and back the energy transition across Europe.
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