Infra Dig – recruiting Dan McCarthy

There are key stages in everyone’s career, chief among them being when you change jobs. These landmarks, as often as not, involve a specialist head hunter… and in the infra/energy space, that’s likely going to be One Search.

In today’s Infra Dig podcast, New York-based Dan McCarthy – chief executive of One Search – joins IJGlobal content director Angus Leslie Melville to discuss the heady world of executive search in a swiftly evolving sector.



Dan dives in with customary aplomb to give his views on a range of subjects as diverse as how the market is coping with the hiring bubble, “job title inflation” (a term he believes he coined), unsustainably high compensation… and diversity itself.

Sometimes veering towards the dreaded old-fart territory – Muppet characters Statler and Waldorf leap to mind – conversation remains realistic and stands as a must-listen for those who are seeking to drive their careers in this sector.

With a run time of 50 minutes, this podcast is longer than customary, but it’s hard to stop Dan when he gets on to his Young Women Into Finance scholarship programme and his hate/hate relationship with LinkedIn.



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