Mostorod Refinery Project
The project involves the development of the Mostorod refinery project in Egypt. The refinery is intended to address the increased demand for refined oil products in Egypt. Egypt currently depends on expensive imports of middle distillates. The Egyptian Refining Company (ERC)’s 4.6 mtpa hydrocracking upgrade refinery project is to produce mainly diesel plus other middle distillates in order to reduce the acute deficit of such products in Egypt and particularly in the Cairo region. The project will utilise fuel oil as feedstock from the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation, which will in turn purchase the middle distillate products under a 25-year agreement. The new petroleum processing facility adjacent to the existing Cairo Oil Refinery Company (CORC) site, is located in the Mostorod Petroleum Complex, 20 km northeast of Cairo in Qalyoubia Governorate.
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