The IJGlobal Podcast


The IJGlobal podcast is hosted by members of the editorial team who delve into matters relating to the finance, procurement, delivery and operation of infrastructure and energy projects around the world.

The focus ranges from the project finance of greenfield transactions through to M&A activity and interesting developments in the infra fund community... all of it in the infrastructure and energy community.



Infra Dig Podcast – The GI Hub Fireside Chat

The latest in the IJGlobal Infra Dig podcast series was broadcast today – a fireside chat with Global Infrastructure Hub chief executive Marie Lam-Frendo

For the final podcast in a series of 3, Dr Tim Stone CBE joins IJGlobal editorial director Angus Leslie Melville to investigate the impact of the Ukraine invasion and energy security issues, before launching into the planned discussion on base-load technologies

Infra Dig Podcast – Dixon of Energy Green

Ian Dixon – an infrastructure and energy specialist of more than 30 years’ standing – joins IJGlobal editorial director Angus Leslie Melville on the Infra Dig podcast series to discuss all matters energy, and the global shift to renewables

Infra Dig Podcast – Financing Nuclear

Dr Tim Stone CBE joins IJGlobal editorial director Angus Leslie Melville in the second in a series of 3 podcasts where he delves into the future of nuclear investment, primarily in the UK but also with an international focus

Infra Dig Podcast – Going Nuclear with Dr Tim Stone

In the first of a series of IJGlobal Infra Dig podcasts, nuclear power luminary Dr Tim Stone CBE sets the stall for a massive wave of investments in the UK and internationally as the tide of opinion turns in favour of base-load solutions